My Order

Order Processing

• Most orders are processed within 1 - 2 business days (processing time does not include weekend days).
• Orders placed on Saturday and Sunday will be processed the following Monday.
• Orders are processed Monday to Friday excluding major public holidays.
• We are currently unable to accept orders that are billed or shipped to destinations outside the Malaysia.
• All purchases are subject to bank authorization prior to processing. Only authorized purchases will be processed and shipped.

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Order Inquiries

Check the status of your most recent orders by visiting our Order Status page. This is the easiest and fastest way to get the most current information regarding your Clinique Malaysia Online orders.

When you click on Order Status you will be prompted to log in with your email address and password. An order summary page will provide you with detailed information about your current and past orders. After your order is shipped, your tracking number, if available, will be displayed. To track your order via the carrier’s Web site, you may click on the tracking number to view the delivery status of your order.

Please note: The tracking information available for up to 24 business hours after the order is shipped.

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Order Cancellations

If you would like to cancel an online order after it has been placed, please contact us as soon as possible by phone at 1-800-18-0742. We will do our best to accommodate your request.

Occasionally, orders or parts of an order are cancelled by our system for various reasons. Some reasons include:

• Item(s) not available.
• Difficulty in processing payment information.
• Cannot ship to the address provided.
• A duplicate order was placed.
• Cancelled due to customer request.

If your order is cancelled, you will receive an email notice to explain the reason for the cancellation. You will not be billed for any cancelled items. If you are interested in placing a new order or if you have questions about a cancelled order, please contact Clinique Malaysia Online Customer Service at 1-800-18-0742 or via email.

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